What can I do for you?
Frontend Engineer - Jun 2021 - Aug 2022
Frontend Engineer L3 - Aug 2022 - Dec 2023
An ecommerce site being built using Next.js, Prisma, and Daisy UI. Uses Google OAuth for authentication. (No real purchases can be made)
A natural events tracker app being built using React and the NASA API.
A weather app being built using Next and the OpenWeatherMap API. Nearly finished just needs a little more functionality
A simple React app that allows you to search for Github users and view their profile and repos using React and Node.js.
Nba stat tracker app being built using SQL, Next, and MUI
Full stack MERN application for keeping track of contacts. Built with React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
2024 Nader Ebrahim
Version 1.0.0 built with Next.js and Material UI.